For Each Other
September 09–December 17, 2022
Gallery 400, University of Illinois Chicago

GnarWare Workshop, Liz McCarthy, Lan Tuazon, and various other donating artists, Kennedy Healy and Marley Molkenti, Public Media Institute, Real Fake Artists Inc., The Love Fridge Chicago, UIC Disability Cultural Center Community Care Cohort, Latham Zearfoss

Forms of care, the multiple ways they manifest and/or are found missing, have been thrown into dramatic relief in the last two and half years of COVID-19. The exhibition For Each Other highlights the ways a group of Chicago-based artists and collectives consider care in their work and in the contexts they create for their work. In the included artworks and projects, care is an active, participatory process. Some of the included works creatively self-advocate for missing forms of care; others reveal the interdependence at the heart of care. Yet others meld artmaking and mutual aid to support and sustain Chicago communities, while others provide respite and grounding for gallery visitors.

Chicago Reader

Photos by Eric Perez